Hello and thanks for stopping by!! My name is Michelle Lunn and I am livin' the photographer's dream in the Midwest! In a nutshell, I am....a wife to my best friend. Mother to my baby boy, who brings me more joy than I ever thought possible. Coffee Addict. Traveler. Christian. Photographer. Sister. Artist. Girly Girl. Lover. Auntie Shelly.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Eight Years ♥

October 11, 2002
We were Juniors in High school when Adam "asked me out" at the Hazelwood West Homecoming Bonfire during the firework display.

Life since the Bonfire
High School Dances. Youth Group. Cheerleading. Football. High School Graduation. Concerts. College Applications. Rolla. Fraternity and Sorority Functions. Ski Trips. Annual Holzer Family Vacation to the Ozarks. Holidays at Home. Summer breaks. Study breaks. Smallville. Scrabble. 2 Puppies. The title of Aunt and Uncle. An Engagement. College Graduation (at least for one of us). Jobs. Wedding plans. A dream Wedding. Honeymoon. The first placed we called home together.....quickly followed by the second place we called home together. Late night ice cream runs. Finding a church. Buying our FIRST house, but our third home. Our first wedding anniversary. The start of a career in Photography. And all of the moments in between.

Adam TOTALLY thought getting married meant only having to remember ONE date, June 13th, our new anniversary. Boy was he wrong. Each year on October 11th I will continue to remind him of the years we have spent together. And each year he will repeat that number back in a fraction, years together divided by years alive "That's almost 1/3 of my life." And every year, on October 11th he will look at me and utter the same joke, complete with the appropriate number of years, "Eiiiigght yeeeaaaarrsss of my liiiiiife....I meeeaaan...EIGHT YEARS of my LIFE!" He thinks he is hilarious. And so do I.

To my best friend. Thank you for the love and support you have given me all of these years! I LOVE YOU BABE! Here's to eight years together and MANY MORE!

Here is a picture from the Photobooth at Bryan and Shefy's Wedding.

Happy Thursday everyone!


  1. You two are so adorable!!

    Love you bro&sis!

  2. I read this post a few days ago (while I was in a girly/emotional mood) and it made me tear up! I forgot to comment on it until now, but you guys are so cute! :)
