Hello and thanks for stopping by!! My name is Michelle Lunn and I am livin' the photographer's dream in the Midwest! In a nutshell, I am....a wife to my best friend. Mother to my baby boy, who brings me more joy than I ever thought possible. Coffee Addict. Traveler. Christian. Photographer. Sister. Artist. Girly Girl. Lover. Auntie Shelly.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Scout and Watson

I never thought I was a dog person until Adam and I purchased two of our own. I love them. Seriously LOVE them. I love hanging out with them. I love coming home to them. I love taking them on trips. I love taking pictures of them. And I love my bathroom that is covered in pictures of them, despite the worried looks I get when I have company over.
I also love other dog people. So when my friend Rachel asked me to come over and take pictures of her two pups for halloween I was SO excited! This meant there are others out there. Others who are as crazy about their dogs as I am about mine. Rachel and her husband Devin are the proud parents of two ADORABLE pooches.

First, meet Scout and all of his handsomeness!


And this little beauty is Watson.



Oooooh yeah....she winked at me!



Thanks for having me over Rachel and Devin!
Scout and Watson, it was great meeting you both and thanks for being so well behaved and so cute! :)


  1. I'm a cat person, but these pics are absolutely FAB!

  2. MA! These are amazing! Not only did I start giggling, but I totally teared up.

    People kind of poke fun at me when I talk about Scout & Watson like they are my children, but they totally are.

    Thanks, Ma! I love love love them!

    (Although I am going to temporarily remove this link from my facebook page until people get their cards... and then it will go right back up!)

  3. Awesome! I'm glad we did this.

  4. I love the brown puppy's ears!! Both are SOOO CUTE!
