I met Lauren and Ben back some uknown number of years ago. We were in "small group" together going through The Purpose Driven Life. A few years, a wedding, and a child later I was blessed to meet up with them on a gorgeous day for a fabulous family session.
This family is made up of some of the nicest people I have ever met. Their daughter Cadence is 2 and she defines adorable. Not only is she a complete doll, but she is also totally proving the whole "terrible two's" theory wrong. She was extremely well behaved...like, I need to see this little girl do something wrong to prove she is even real, kind of well behaved.
Really though, how cute is this family!?!

*Side note
After our session Lauren and I became friends on facebook, and after some careful creeping on her page I realized why we clicked so well,
Our coffee addiction and our love for Weeds (the tv show, not the illegal substance). That, and the fact that we are both married to pastor's kids!

I could not get enough of her and this precious outfit!

I think every single picture from this session brought a smile to my face, but this last one in particular made me grin from ear to ear.
Lauren, Ben, and Cadence I can not tell you what a privilege it was to shoot your family photos. You are some amazingly genuine people and I thank you for being so kind and for making my job super easy!
And Lauren and Ben, if you ever decide to write a book on parenting, I'll be the first in line the day it comes out!
Have a Happy Wednesday all!