Hello and thanks for stopping by!! My name is Michelle Lunn and I am livin' the photographer's dream in the Midwest! In a nutshell, I am....a wife to my best friend. Mother to my baby boy, who brings me more joy than I ever thought possible. Coffee Addict. Traveler. Christian. Photographer. Sister. Artist. Girly Girl. Lover. Auntie Shelly.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

The World Wide Web

Well it's official! I can check off one exciting item from my New Year's Resolution post. Michelle Lunn Photography is now on the WWW. This blog has been wonderful to me! However, as old as the conversation gets, the phrase "check out my blogspot" never ceases to embarrass me. A blog is not embarrassing when you have a website to back it up (in fact it's benefits are immeasurable), but when a blog is the only thing that bridges the gap between my work and my name, professionalism goes out the window.

I have to admit, I finished my "first" website about 2 weeks ago. I wasn't extremely happy with it so I decided to wait and make a few changes. And by a few changes I mean I changed the entire thing. I built the site through Showit and I can not say enough great things about their team! The software's possibilities are endless, and the customer service at Showit is impeccable. I already have plans for the direction I would like to take this site, but I think that is all going to be put on hold now that winter is coming to an end, that was wishful thinking at it's finest. I have a lot of learning and designing to do, and I expect I will be making changes constantly, but for now, I am completely happy with the way it turned out! Check back often for updates! :)

Ladies and Gents, Enjoy.


Your website is your handshake and your blog is your voice.
Jasmine Star quoting Anonymous
I want a firm handshake and a soft voice.
-Me quoting Jasmine Star

1 comment:

  1. It looks fantastic! Such a beautiful website. Congratulations on your exciting new handshake!
