Let's back track to last May. I second shot a wedding for
Donna Harris, and to say I was exhausted through out the day is a complete understatement. I crashed the moment I got home that night and slept until 1pm the next day. I woke up long enough to drive back to Columbia and then went straight back to sleep until work the next morning.
At this point,
I'm oblivious. Monday at work my eating habits changed. I could not get full. I could not stop eating. I ate 2 huge bagels from bread company, 3 bananas, 1/2 cup peanut butter...and these were all snacks between meals! I was just absolutely starving. When I went home I made myself a sandwich...and of course you can't have a sandwich without pickles. I opened a brand new jar of pickles only to eat the entire thing...and then drink the juice. Now those of you that know me know my eating habits are strange...and yes I have been known to take a few sips of pickle juice in the past, but never have I ever downed an entire jar. After my sandwich I went to bed, for 12 hours.
Pickle juice cliche and all...
I'm still oblivious.Tuesday I went through the same exhaustion and food binge that I had gone through the day before. Now, I'm thinking something might be up. So I took a cheap dollar store pregnancy test thinking nothing of it.
One line appeared...and then a second. I think I scared my dogs because I started screaming and running around for lack of knowing what else I should do. This could not be right...those dollar store tests aren't accurate.
I'll take another.Another positive.
And then came the denial. It wasn't that I was upset, I just didn't want to get my hopes up. I mean what if I was imagining those two lines? What if those tests were wrong? So I did what any girl in my position would have done.
I went to the store and bought 4 different brands of tests. The kind with the lines. The kind with the + or - signs. The brand name. The off brand. The kind that spelled out the word PREGNANT!
So after a total of 6...yes SIX tests I decided it must be true. I was pregnant!!
Adam was working late that night so I had time to run to the store for a box of cake mix and some icing to prepare the "big reveal" to him. I think I called him about every 30 minutes asking him when he was going to be home. This particular night he ended up working until 12am!! I purposefully fell asleep in the living room so that I could wake up when he walked in and share the news with him. 1:00 rolled around and I heard him come in. I shot up ran to the kitchen grabbed my "surprise" and walked up to him...who at this point was already half asleep. I said guess what? And uncovered these...

The look on his face was one I will never forget. I could tell that it went in one ear and out the other. It was late, he was tired, and mostly, he was in shock. This isn't to say he wasn't excited...it would just take a night of sleep for that excitement to set in.