Hello and thanks for stopping by!! My name is Michelle Lunn and I am livin' the photographer's dream in the Midwest! In a nutshell, I am....a wife to my best friend. Mother to my baby boy, who brings me more joy than I ever thought possible. Coffee Addict. Traveler. Christian. Photographer. Sister. Artist. Girly Girl. Lover. Auntie Shelly.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Glimpse in the Life: Personal

As I sat at my desk, wondering how in the world to follow up with my last "I'm going to take Jasmine's advice and start being more personal" post, I did just that...sat at my desk. I didn't know where to begin. I had a million things running through my mind, not one of which I could focus in on. Just outside of my window I begin to hear a strange noise. It was like that sound people make when they are immitating Darth Vader. That burst of air, weird breathing thing. But louder, much louder. In my determination to focus and blog I ignored it. Adam, however heard this panic in the dogs bark...like there was a squirrel up a tree, a leaf blowing in the wind, or a giant balloon in our backyard. Wait, what?
I ran outside to see what was going on, and sure enough, a hot air ballon was hovering over the fence next door. Naturally I ran inside to grab my camera, because it's not every day a hot air balloons lands in the hood.



Same shot twice....having fun with lightroom.




Not only did I get to see a hot air balloon mid flight and land in on our street....I also got to see the proccces of taking it down. It took about 5 minutes total.



And one for Adam, because he enjoys artsy things.


Thank you balloon man for stopping by!


  1. That's probably the cooest thing I've heard all week!

  2. that's cool you caught that! I like your different renderings of the same shot. Looks like you're having fun with LR. :)

  3. so cool! can we make up some sort of fun thing to happen in my life just so you can photograph it? you're really good!

  4. I am the wife of balloon man and I am so glad you enjoyed it. It gives me goose bumps to see other people enjoying our balloon as much as we do. The name of the balloon is Mai'Ken Dreams, pilot Kenny Jay.
