Hello and thanks for stopping by!! My name is Michelle Lunn and I am livin' the photographer's dream in the Midwest! In a nutshell, I am....a wife to my best friend. Mother to my baby boy, who brings me more joy than I ever thought possible. Coffee Addict. Traveler. Christian. Photographer. Sister. Artist. Girly Girl. Lover. Auntie Shelly.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Delight in the Little Things

Here are just a few things, specifically about this time of year, that make me happy:

Pumpkin Spice Lattes
Fall colors
Holiday Season
Walking at the park with my 3 boys
Christmas Music...if you are walking down the street wondering where N*SYNC's Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays could possibly be coming from this time of year, there is a 99% chance, it's my house.
Trolling various stores, gawking at holiday decor
Waiting patiently for the above mentioned decor to go on sale so I can buy it, guilt free
Cats....ok I lied. I don't like cats. At all. But my sister in law has a cat named Sunny. And if I did like cats, I would be doing jail time...for stealing this ball of furry cuteness.



Happy Wednesday Everyone!


  1. I am not a cat person. But that cat is freaking cute. I love boots, too. And I hope you are coming to Rolla soon...

  2. LOL Love this, I hate cats too. But you made this one look cute. I am crediting your photography skills...not the cat.

  3. i love cats and I LOVE these pictures! i can't get a decent picture of my kitty to save my life :(
