This weekend Adam and I have decided to say no. No to friends, no to family, no to reality. This summer has been an eventful one, so for the first time in three months we will stay home with no agenda, no plan, and no responsibilities. Ok so I do have some plans, but nothing beyond board games and garage saling...have I mentioned how increadibly cool we are these days?
Don't worry, I might add a little sangria to the mix. Things. could. get. crazy.
So next weekend, it's game on again. More cramming 7,512 things into one weekend, more trying to stay awake until 8:00 on the week nights just so we can fall asleep to a movie together, more family, more friends, more reality. This is our life and we love every minute of it!
Here is a preview of what's to come.
Jonah and Laura:Engaged

More pictures from their engagement session to follow!
Happy Wednesday to all!